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- Metal roofing is manufactured from a variety of different materials including copper, aluminum, steel, and stainless steel.
- Adding an airspace is a construction technique that must be done "just so" to prevent rot.
- How to deal with mold after a flood.
- Revealing facts about mold problems, how they start, and how to safely clean them up. This guidance was written for people living in the northwest USA, and isn't for hot and humid climates.
- Mold spores are not the only concern, scientists say. Tinier pieces of mold called "fungal fragments" may be deeply inhaled and cause problems. Warning: Technical information follows.
- Green Seal and EnviroMedia Social Marketing release 2009 National Green Buying research.
- The nature of MCS and the mainstream response to this baffling condition.
- I have been an energy management consultant since 1974. Before suggesting that someone buy an energy-saving gadget, I evaluate that gadget myself. In this article, I describe some of my personal energy-saving gadget experiences.
- The National Association of Home Builders recently launched the NAHB National Green Building Program, an education, verification and certification program that will allow builders anywhere to build green homes.
- The National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH) and the Alliance for Healthy Homes (Alliance) have announced plans to join forces.
- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency should examine whether combined exposures to chemicals known as phthalates could cause adverse health effects in humans, says a new report from the National Research Council.
- Natural ventilation is becoming an increasingly attractive method for reducing energy costs while improving indoor air quality, according to green building advocates.
- Should you only choose “all-natural” products? It might seem like the right thing to do.
- Little data exist on pollution levels within interior cabins of automobiles. Yet significant questions have surfaced relative to the potential hazards of the “new car smell” or biological hazards such as mold and animal allergens.
- Green Seal's GS-8 standard can help you select environmentally-preferable cleaning products.
- A team of scientists from the Korean Rural Development Administration and the Department of Horticulture at the University of Georgia tested the efficiency of airborne formaldehyde removal in 86 species of plants.
- Study Published in Environmental Health Perspectives Finds Major Decrease in Infestation after Repairs, Education.
- You can't see it. You can't smell it. But you can take steps against radon in your home, starting with an inexpensive test.
- Ants, rodents, termites ... Keep what's bugging you outside – where it belongs.
- The organic food market slows amid recession, consumer doubt.
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