1-5 of 69 See More Results Articles, Hints & Tipsmatching your search for "Air Cleaner Purifier":
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- Surprising facts about HEPA vacuums and what you can do about it.
- The right air purifier may reduce your risk for certain illnesses.
- The Healthy House Institute® online educational center has released its Top 3 Healthy Home Scams.
- How HEPA filters work on a vacuum cleaner, and how to be a smart shopper.
- A new study by researchers at Brigham Young University and Harvard School of Public Health shows that average life expectancy in 51 U.S. cities increased nearly three years over recent decades, and approximately five months of that increase came thanks to cleaner air.
1-5 of 188 See More Results HHI-Pedia Entriesmatching your search for "Air Cleaner Purifier": - Look for these numbers when comparing portable room air cleaners.
- There are several different types, but these useful appliances are no substitute for good cleaning and other preventive measures.
- An essential tool used to protect people from hazardous fumes during certain jobs.
- These systems often soften hard water.
- Exhaust fans aren’t just for keeping the bathroom from smelling bad.
1-5 of 18 See More Results Blogs & Opinionmatching your search for "Air Cleaner Purifier": - More than meets the eye certainly describes this amazing technology - where your ordinary houseplant becomes an efficient VOC remover.
- Air-quality testing can be helpful to understand what is wrong with your air, but since there are hundreds or thousands of possible pollutants, and testing for them all is impossible, a test result may be misleading.
- Review of iGozen's line of green cleaners - Fruit/Vegetable Wash, Meat/Fish Cleaner, and Everyday Cleaner.
- Improving and cleaning your air is an often forgotten task of spring cleaning.
- Smart strategies that will help you get your home clean while keeping things "green."
1-5 of 15 See More Results Books & DVDsmatching your search for "Air Cleaner Purifier": - Easy-to-follow recipes for inexpensive, homemade cleaners that are better for the environment and for your health.
- A step-by-step approach to identifying, controlling and often eliminating the sources of indoor pollutants and allergens.
- Comprehensive guide to residential ventilation systems.
- Choose green systems that conserve resources and complement your budget and lifestyle.
- The owner of the "Green House" details the designing and construction of a healthy, energy efficient, low maintenance, and attractive home.
1-2 of 2 Video Clipsmatching your search for "Air Cleaner Purifier": - In this video series, experts Allen Rathey, president of The Healthy House Institute (HHI), Professor Liz Goldsmith of Florida State University (FSU) and University of Massachusetts lab scientist Heidi Wilcox, explain how to remove tough spots and stains from carpet using green cleaning methods. Different carpet types, prevention, home-made and retail green products, and specific green cleaners and tools that work are covered in depth.
- In this video series, experts Allen Rathey, president of The Healthy House Institute (HHI), Professor Liz Goldsmith of Florida State University (FSU) and University of Massachusetts lab scientist Heidi Wilcox, explain how to remove tough spots and stains from carpet using green cleaning methods. Different carpet types, prevention, home-made and retail green products, and specific green cleaners and tools that work are covered in depth.
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