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- Look for these numbers when comparing portable room air cleaners.
- There are several different types, but these useful appliances are no substitute for good cleaning and other preventive measures.
- An essential tool used to protect people from hazardous fumes during certain jobs.
- These systems often soften hard water.
- Exhaust fans aren’t just for keeping the bathroom from smelling bad.
- These systems rid water of everything from chlorine to microbes and heavy metals – an important consideration for those with health issues.
- Synthetic fragrances and scents, added to a wide-range of consumer products, are among the most common household air pollutants.
- Vapor steam cleaners are versatile machines that offer the benefit of chemical-free cleaning.
- Professionally monitored systems are most often found in commercial settings.
- How to “read” plastic containers for recycling.
- Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic radiation; that is, they are waves of electrical and magnetic energy moving together through space.
- The air entering a house through a ventilation system. Also, the conditioned air passing from a furnace/air conditioner into the living space.
- Air from a living space that enters an air handler, such as a furnace or air conditioner, and is returned back to the space.
- To move air through the living space without adding fresh air or removing stale air.
- Heating, ventilating and air conditioning explained.
- The movement of air resulting from heat transference through the air by convection.
- The air leaving a house through a ventilation system. See also supply air.
- The dissimilarity in air pressures between two locations that can cause air to move between them.
- Outdoor air that enters a house to replace air that is exhausted from the house.
- The naturally occurring phenomena of warm air exerting pressure on cooler air that results in warm air rising.
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