1-5 of 152 See More Results Articles, Hints & Tipsmatching your search for "Green Remodeling":
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- Going green may be easier than you think.
- The National Green Building Standard (ICC 700-2008) for all residential construction work including single-family homes, apartments and condos, land development and remodeling and renovation has been approved by the American National Standards Institute.
- Green remodeling can be done in small ways and doesn’t necessarily have to encompass the entire home.
- By incorporating green remodeling practices, homeowners can avoid serious health issues linked to unhealthy indoor air.
- The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) provides answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about LEED for Homes.
1-5 of 9 See More Results HHI-Pedia Entriesmatching your search for "Green Remodeling": - The U.S. Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System™ is a nationally accepted benchmark.
- Cleaning to protect both health and the environment.
- A natural salt, also known as sodium borate, that has become popular as a nontoxic ingredient in homemade green cleaners.
- How to chose the best wood for your home and health.
- Insulating Concrete Forms or ICFs are popular in green building projects because of their thermal performance, durability, non-outgassing materials, and other reasons.
1-5 of 45 See More Results Blogs & Opinionmatching your search for "Green Remodeling": - Think you're ready to remodel? Do your research first.
- According to EverydayHealth.com, there is good news and bad news about older homes. There are also simple steps you can take to make a big difference.
- Many "green" products are healthy, but many aren’t - so be careful of green claims.
- How to create a healthy, green environment for your children before and after birth.
- The author shows prefabricated homes can be built with customizable, attractive, and quality green materials in less time than traditional construction, while reducing waste and yielding an energy-efficient, sturdy, and cost-effective home.
1-5 of 34 See More Results Books & DVDsmatching your search for "Green Remodeling": - A book of green remodeling ideas and examples to make your home more energy efficient and healthy.
- Helps environmentally conscious people make sound decisions when building or remodeling a home.
- Rating the real payoff from 50 green home projects.
- Choose green systems that conserve resources and complement your budget and lifestyle.
- How your home may be harming your family's health.
Video Clipsmatching your search for "Green Remodeling": Sorry, no Video Clips match your search for "Green Remodeling".
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