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- From The Healthy House Answer Book: Answers to the 133 most commonly asked questions. Questions 55-63.
- Designing and building an energy-efficient home.
- Three viewpoints of designing a healthy building include: the importance of sustainable development, the role of occupants for ensuring indoor air quality, and ongoing developments related to indoor finishes with low chemical emissions and good fungal resistance.
- Viewing the whole house as an integrated system helps.
- Electronics, especially appliances, are some of the heaviest users of energy, and often consume energy even when they're not in use. Learn which electronics are the biggest offenders.
- An examination of 13 common myths reveals that they should be treated with some healthy skepticism.
- With energy prices skyrocketing and the temperature continuing to spike, most homeowners dread receiving their energy bill in the height of summer. But what most homeowners don’t realize is that they could own a high performance home that requires much less energy.
- EPA's Energy Star program now addresses indoor air quality (IAQ). Here is a summary of requirements you can use to improve your home's IAQ.
- January is national Radon Action Month and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency encourages everyone to test their homes for radon.
- EPA allows safer products to carry the Design for the Environment (DfE) label. This mark allows consumers to quickly identify and choose products that can help protect the environment and are safer for families.
- Determine which fruits and vegetables have the most pesticide residues and are the most important to buy organic.
- It's Louisiana’s first LEED-certified home, as well as the first “Extreme Makeover” home to be certified green.
- Taking the proper steps to restore a property after a flood can limit the extent of the damage incurred.
- Don't just throw away your used printer cartridges. Here are five ways you can dispose of your printer cartridges, keep them out of the landfill and reap benefits as well.
- A whole-house approach still holds true for a sometimes-forgotten space.
- FloorScore, developed by the Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCI) and Scientific Certification Systems (SCS), tests and certifies hard surface flooring and flooring adhesive products for compliance with indoor air quality (IAQ) goals.
- Fluorescent lamps with improved performance and design features are now available.
- Expert blogger shares insights on Icynene open-cell spray foam insulation.
- How to reduce your exposure to this common chemical.
- Formaldehyde is an important industrial chemical used to make other chemicals, building materials, and household products. Here's how to limit your exposure.
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Information provided by The Healthy House Institute is designed to support,
not to replace the relationship between patient/physician or other qualified
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