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- Deciding exactly where you will build your healthy house is one of the first decisions that must be made.
- There are several simple bathroom maintenance strategies and everyday household practices that will help you conserve water.
- The Green Label program is replaced by the stronger and more comprehensive Green Label Plus standard.
- How to make your home a healthier place.
- Surprising facts about HEPA vacuums and what you can do about it.
- The harmonious interaction with nature is the guiding principle of the Building Biology approach to healthy home building.
- From The Healthy House Answer Book: Answers to the 133 most commonly asked questions. Questions 30-39.
- A new certification for residential clothes washers ensures they effectively sanitize laundry.
- Home interventions to reduce asthma triggers can curb soaring health care costs and improve health outcomes.
- Contaminants in house dust are an important source of exposure that can be reduced by good design, good flooring choices, and good cleaning practices.
- Tips for laundering effectively.
- Q: I read the letter on your Web site about being burned from water exploding from heating in the microwave. This recently happened to me with a cup of coffee. I thought it was because of the material of the coffee cup. I felt ridiculous trying to explain my injuries to anyone because it seemed impossible. My question to you is: Are microwave makers responsible for advisement of this kind of hazard? — JB
- From The Healthy House Answer Book: Answers to the 133 most commonly asked questions.
- Researchers found that high efficiency particle air (HEPA) filters reduced the amount of airborne particulate matter and wood smoke, resulting in improved blood vessel health and reductions in blood markers associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
- Big house or small house? There are many rewards if you choose to downsize.
- Water Treatment For Dummies provides a large amount of well-researched information in a small, very-readable guide.
- From The Healthy House Answer Book: Answers to the 133 most commonly asked questions. Questions 11-21.
- In early 2007 Kevin and Kathy Christopherson set about building a home in Hanover, Wisconsin. This was no ordinary new home construction, though. Since Kathy has an acute chemical sensitivity, special precautions were necessary – precautions that presented some particularly challenging construction issues.
- Pointers to help prevent attacks.
- A whole-house approach still holds true for a sometimes-forgotten space.
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Information provided by The Healthy House Institute is designed to support,
not to replace the relationship between patient/physician or other qualified
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