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- Healthy Homes are often equipped with Carbon Monoxide (CO) sensors to detect indoor air quality issues related to fuel-burning appliances. Below is information on why you may want to consider also having a NOx filter in tandem with your CO sensor.
- Solar Photovoltaic or PV systems are highly reliable and need little maintenance.
- All life on earth is supported by the sun. It is the basic resource not only for photovoltaics, but all solar energy systems.
- The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) provides answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about LEED for Homes.
- How does radiant heat, as opposed to air temperature, contribute to a proper
home comfort system?
- Fully a quarter of the electricity used in the average German household now goes for information, communication, and entertainment electronics.
- At this moment, money may be trickling out of your pocket via energy gained or lost through the windows of your home or office space. Here are tips to help.
- LEED for Homes is a green home certification system for assuring homes are designed and built to be energy- and resource-efficient and healthy for occupants.
- Low-emissivity (Low-E) coatings on glazing or glass control heat transfer through windows with insulated glazing. Windows manufactured with low-E coatings typically cost about 10%–15% more than regular windows, but they reduce energy loss by as much as 30%–50%.
- Fluorescent lamps with improved performance and design features are now available.
- Consider everything from energy use to the ideal lighting conditions in your home before selecting permanent or free-standing lamps.
- Adapted from The Healthy House Answer Book: Answers to the 133 Most Commonly Asked Questions. Questions 72-80.
- Natural ventilation is becoming an increasingly attractive method for reducing energy costs while improving indoor air quality, according to green building advocates.
- One of the most important ideas to emerge in recent years is the concept that a house is much more than an assemblage of materials. Instead, building scientists and researchers now view a house as an interactive system.
- Expert blogger shares insights on Icynene open-cell spray foam insulation.
- Dr. Arthur Weissman offers tips that can protect your health and surroundings — and just might save you money!
- Green roofs may be either extensive or intensive. Your site characteristics and objectives will determine which green roof is appropriate for your property.
- LEED homes offer many benefits to home owners, including lower energy and water bills; reduced greenhouse gas emissions; increased comfort, less exposure to indoor pollutants such as mold, mildew and other indoor toxins, and lower maintenance costs.
- "Green building has its own inherent architecture, reflecting the Earth itself. It is a synthesis of natural elements and good design."
- Mark L. Hixson, Earthcraft Construction Inc.
- Chiras is an internationally known author, educator, consultant, and founder and director of The Evergreen Institute.
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