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- Make your home more energy efficient and save.
- The answer is “not necessarily,” according to a report released by Environment and Human Health, Inc. (EHHI), titled “LEED Certification: Where Energy Efficiency Collides With Human Health.” EHHI is a non-profit organization composed of doctors, public health professionals and policy experts who specialize in research that examines environmental threats to human health.
- Good water is good for your home and appliances, too. A 2009 study commissioned by the Water Quality Research Foundation (WQRF) and conducted by the Battelle Memorial Institute found that adding a water softener helps water heaters and major appliances operate as efficiently as possible, while preventing clogs in showerheads, faucets, and drains.
- Start "going green" by replacing standard incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs).
- Another alternative to traditional roofing materials is a rooftop garden, or "green roof."
- The National Association of Home Builders recently launched the NAHB National Green Building Program, an education, verification and certification program that will allow builders anywhere to build green homes.
- Electronics, especially appliances, are some of the heaviest users of energy, and often consume energy even when they're not in use. Learn which electronics are the biggest offenders.
- An overview of how to make your lifestyle greener and more sustainable by conserving resources and energy, and protecting indoor air quality.
- Research shows these energy efficient bulbs are safest when placed behind an additional glass cover.
- Whether you’re a homebuyer or a renter looking for a green home, how do you know if a home is truly green?
- Choosing bathroom components that save water, reduce VOCs, and are made from recycled or reclaimed materials can make your bathroom more sustainable.
- Rather than leaving ventilation to chance, these systems exchange stale air for fresh air in your home, while helping to maintain indoor climate control.
- Tips for selection, location, and use.
- How to fix them.
- It's Louisiana’s first LEED-certified home, as well as the first “Extreme Makeover” home to be certified green.
- Cost-effective fan and ventilation systems help energy-efficient homes stay healthy.
- EPA's Energy Star program now addresses indoor air quality (IAQ). Here is a summary of requirements you can use to improve your home's IAQ.
- There are a number of ways of building that are becoming popular among environmentally conscious individuals.
- Green remodeling can be done in small ways and doesn’t necessarily have to encompass the entire home.
- Consumer Report’s first full report on LED energy saving lightbulbs finds more choices and savings.
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Information provided by The Healthy House Institute is designed to support,
not to replace the relationship between patient/physician or other qualified
healthcare provider.
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