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N95 respiratorAn essential tool used to protect people from hazardous fumes during certain jobs.
NanometerA distance unit representing one-billionth of a meter.
nanoparticleAn ultra-small, highly microscopic particle.
NanotechnologyNanotechnology describes the creation and use of materials, devices and systems which control matter at the atomic or molecular level or “nanoscale”.
National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides (NCAMP)A nonprofit organization devoted to pesticide safety and alternative, less toxic methods of controlling pests.
Natural AspirationThe negative pressure in a chimney caused by rising, warm combustion by-products. Often referred to simply as draft.
Natural DraftThe negative pressure in a chimney caused by rising, warm combustion by-products. Often referred to simply as draft.
Natural PressureAn air-pressure difference between the indoors and the outdoors, induced by natural phenomena such as wind, stack effect, and diffusion.
Natural VentilationRandom air movement into and out of a house caused by natural pressures.
Negative IonsNegatively charged atoms or groups of atoms that will cling to oppositely charged surfaces.
Negative PressureWhen the air pressure inside a house or room is less than the atmospheric pressure outside the house or room.
Net Free Area (nfa)The amount of unobstructed open area of a grille, inlet, or outlet.
NeurotoxinA substance that is poisonous to the nervous system, spinal cord, brain, etc.
Neutral PressureAir pressure inside a house that is equal to the atmospheric pressure outside the house.
Neutral-Pressure PlaneThat part of a house that experiences neutral pressure as a result of stack effect, or as a result of combined pressures.
Noise PollutionThe traditional definition of noise is 'unwanted or disturbing sound'.
NontoxicNontoxic is defined as not being harmful at concentrations normally used. However, most people believe that it means a substance is innately harmless — and this just isn’t so.

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