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ICF or Insulating Concrete FormInsulating Concrete Forms or ICFs are popular in green building projects because of their thermal performance, durability, non-outgassing materials, and other reasons.
IFHThe International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene (IFH) is a registered charity with the mission to provide practical advice and guidance on the promotion of health and well-being through improved hygiene.
IICRCAn acronym for the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification, now known as the The Clean Trust, a standards and certification organization.
In-Line FanA ventilating fan made to attach a duct at each end, often called a tube fan.
Inches of MercuryA unit of pressure measurement. About 3,386 Pa. equals 1” hg.
Inches Water GaugeA unit of pressure measurement. About 250 Pa. equals 1” w.g.
Induced DraftA system utilizing a fan to exhaust air from the combustion chamber of a combustion appliance.
InfiltrationAir entering a house through random holes in the structure.
Infrared ThermographyThermographic inspection measures surface temperatures by using infrared video and still cameras. These tools see infrared light (light that is in the heat spectrum) to detect temperature variations of the building's "skin", showing warmer areas in lighter colors and cooler areas in darker colors.
InletAn engineered opening through which fresh air enters a house.
InsulationA material that inhibits the flow of heat.
IonizerA device that generates ions (usually negatively charged), sometimes for the purpose of cleaning the air.
IrritantA substance that causes a part of the body to become overly excited or sensitive.

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