Mold Remediation
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Sort results by: Date Added | Alphabetically - Post-remediation verification (PRV) is actually a multi-step process - performed by qualified professionals - rather than just a surface or air assessment or ‘check’ at the end, and it begins in the planning stages of the remediation.
- Step One – Remove Affected Materials; Step Two - Dry It Out and Quickly; Step Three – Air It Out; Step Four –Keep it Dry to Keep It Out.
- The Healthy Facilities Institute (HFI) and The Healthy House Institute (HHI) are pleased to provide this profile of Clean Pro Restoration, Meridian ID, specializing in water and fire damage, and mold remediation for residential and commercial properties. This article is part of a series highlighting service professionals emphasizing healthful methods, high ethical standards, and staff training and education.
- Make sure your service provider takes the following steps in restoring your home.
- Taking the proper steps to restore a property after a flood can limit the extent of the damage incurred.
- To solve the public health and material-related costs associated with mold and other fungi, many companies are now engineering advanced materials capable of resisting mold and fungal growth.
- Revealing facts about mold problems, how they start, and how to safely clean them up. This guidance was written for people living in the northwest USA, and isn't for hot and humid climates.
- There are five general principles of cleaning up - or remediating - mold.
- Clean Trust-Certified technicians may use particle counters to help ensure your air is clean after mold cleanup.
- Infrared (IR) cameras, like infrared thermometers, are used to detect surface temperature differences in your home. Here's how they help Clean Trust-Certified experts ensure your home is dry after a flood or other water intrusion.
- Keeping your home clean and dry is an important way to keep it healthy.
- Killing mold and mildew doesn't have to kill you too. There are less-toxic treatments you can even make on your own.
- The National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH) and the Alliance for Healthy Homes (Alliance) have announced plans to join forces.
- The majority of U.S. families (67 percent) live in a home with at least one major health risk.
- How to deal with mold after a flood.
- The longer mold grows, the greater the potential hazard and the harder it is to control.
- Questions and answers from Dr. Thad Godish, Ph.D.
- Q and A with Thad Godish, Ph.D.
- Prevention is as important as cleaning up an existing trouble spot.
- Antique pieces can lend warmth and charm to your home.
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Information provided by The Healthy House Institute is designed to support,
not to replace the relationship between patient/physician or other qualified
healthcare provider.
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