GREENGUARD1-4 of 4 Articles, Hints & Tips
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- The asthma & allergy friendly™ Certification Program administered by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) in partnership with the research organization, Allergy Standards Limited (ASL), announced on November 17th, 2009 that it has developed and adopted a certification standard and testing protocol for Non-Disinfecting Hard Surface Spray Cleaning Products.
- GREENGUARD Environmental Institute (GEI) announced in November 2008 the initiation of a comprehensive product emissions standard for indoor products.
- Many commercial mattresses are manufactured using polyurethane, synthetic fabrics, chemical fire retardants, toxic dyes, formaldehyde and stain-resistant chemicals. These chemicals are outgassed over time, and can expose skin and lungs to potentially toxic substances, causing allergic reactions and other health problems.
- In a recently completed study funded by GREENGUARD Environmental Institute (GEI), there was preliminary evidence that \"green\" low-emitting products may still cause IAQ problems.
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