Environmental Illness
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- Three viewpoints of designing a healthy building include: the importance of sustainable development, the role of occupants for ensuring indoor air quality, and ongoing developments related to indoor finishes with low chemical emissions and good fungal resistance.
- In early 2007 Kevin and Kathy Christopherson set about building a home in Hanover, Wisconsin. This was no ordinary new home construction, though. Since Kathy has an acute chemical sensitivity, special precautions were necessary – precautions that presented some particularly challenging construction issues.
- The nature of MCS and the mainstream response to this baffling condition.
- From The Healthy House Answer Book: Answers to the 133 most commonly asked questions. Questions 111-118.
- Your house could be a major contributor to poor health.
- Discusses how those who are "environmentally hypersensitive" can take steps to make their home more healthy and livable.
- A book that reveals the toxins at home and at the workplace.
- How to build and/or create a healthier home.
- A chemical or agent that constitutes a potential hazard to human health at acute or chronic exposure levels.
- A medical condition involving hypersensitivities to a wide variety of common air and food contaminants at very low levels.
- A medical condition involving hypersensitivities to a wide variety of common air and food contaminants at very low levels.
- Here’s what multiple chemical sensitivity means.
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