Pregnant Women
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- Biomonitoring, the measurement of chemicals in blood, urine, and other tissues or fluids, is becoming an increasingly common tool in the study of human exposure to environmental chemicals; the problem is, it\'s hard to connect with health outcomes (abstract only).
- A major study published in Human Reproduction (January 2009), a European reproductive medicine journal, has found that pregnant women and women of child-bearing age in the United States are at greater risk than previously thought for infertility and reproductive problems as result of exposure to the toxic Teflon chemical PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid).
- The organic food market slows amid recession, consumer doubt.
- Armed with this information, you can protect yourself, your children, and your pets from harmful pesticides.
- If you suspect your home has lead paint, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk.
- Practical advice and solutions for preventing cancer.
- Discusses dangers from corporate pollution, serious illnesses caused from toxins, toxins in the home, obstacles encountered in getting rid of toxins, and what action people can take or have taken.
- A substance that interferes with the development of a fetus or causes birth defects.
- A concern for pregnant women and anyone with a weakened immune system.
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