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- Better than an apple a day, certain foods can prevent childhood illnesses and fight off the effects of toxins.
- Review of iGozen's line of green cleaners - Fruit/Vegetable Wash, Meat/Fish Cleaner, and Everyday Cleaner.
- How does an induction cooktop compare with gas and traditional stove burners?
- Inspiration can be found in many places and can be practical to almost any situation.
- HHI Staff and EverydayHealth.com give simple tips to minimizing indoor allergy triggers.
- Do smart meters actually lower energy use and cost, and are they safe?
- Why triclosan and other antibacterials aren't needed or wanted in cleaning products, cosmetics, and more.
- One good aspect of our consumer-driven economy is that each of us has the power to make change happen by the way we spend our money.
- Opt for organic fruits and veggies, or use FoodNews.org to find conventionally grown produce with the least pesticides. Choose milk and meat without added growth hormones. Limit canned food and infant formula, as can linings contain bisphenol A (BPA).
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Information provided by The Healthy House Institute is designed to support,
not to replace the relationship between patient/physician or other qualified
healthcare provider.
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