Toxic Chemicals
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Sort results by: Date Added | Alphabetically - The new standard works harder to protect indoor air quality.
- The most important step to take in building or remodeling a house is to eliminate toxic materials as often as possible.
- Knowing what hurts indoor air quality, can help you improve it.
- Clean Frequently. Cleaning is an effective health maintenance strategy, and a very cost effective one at that. It\'s true! A clean home is a healthy home.
- Though this is an older study, it highlights important considerations for those of us who spend much time in cars...
- Green Seal has developed the GS-49 standard to define environmental performance criteria for residential cleaning services.
- What's under your kitchen sink, in your garage, in your bathroom, and on the shelves in your laundry room? Do any of the household products you use pose a potential health risk to you and your family? An online consumer guide from NIH's National Library of Medicine (NLM) provides easy-to-understand information on the potential health effects of more than 4,000 common household products.
- Strategic selection and placement of household plants improves the air you breathe.
- EPA has added an indoor air quality component to the already well-known Energy Star program—the Energy Star Indoor Air Package (IAP).
- The chemicals we\'re exposed to indoors, how they may affect our health, and what the government is - and perhaps isn\'t - doing about it.
- Many commercial mattresses are manufactured using polyurethane, synthetic fabrics, chemical fire retardants, toxic dyes, formaldehyde and stain-resistant chemicals. These chemicals are outgassed over time, and can expose skin and lungs to potentially toxic substances, causing allergic reactions and other health problems.
- How to make your home a healthier place.
- Your house could be a major contributor to poor health.
- In the U.S. today we\'re far more likely to breathe some of the most debilitating compounds at home. How did things get this bad? A historical perspective.
- The nature of MCS and the mainstream response to this baffling condition.
- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency should examine whether combined exposures to chemicals known as phthalates could cause adverse health effects in humans, says a new report from the National Research Council.
- Tests reveal that retinyl palmitate, a form of vitamin A found in 2/5th's of U.S. sunscreens, speeds the development of skin tumors when applied to the skin in the presence of sunlight.
- Study Published in Environmental Health Perspectives Finds Major Decrease in Infestation after Repairs, Education.
- Ants, rodents, termites ... Keep what's bugging you outside – where it belongs.
- The organic food market slows amid recession, consumer doubt.
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