Saving Electricity
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Sort results by: Date Added | Alphabetically - Perhaps the greatest challenge to promoting energy efficiency is that you can’t see it.
- Consumer Report’s first full report on LED energy saving lightbulbs finds more choices and savings.
- With a home energy audit, you can find out where your home is losing energy and find out what you can change to lower your energy bills.
- An overview of how to make your lifestyle greener and more sustainable by conserving resources and energy, and protecting indoor air quality.
- With clothes dryers being large energy users, choosing energy efficient models and implementing energy saving techniques can make a big difference in energy usage.
- Air conditioners use the most electricity of any home appliance. Here's how to reduce energy usage in cooling your home.
- High-efficiency washing machines could save you $550 in water and energy annually.
- Make your home more energy efficient and save.
- Simple strategies that can help you lower your energy bills.
- Study finds healthy, efficient homes increasingly accessible to all.
- EPA encourages Americans to save on summer cooling costs through proper use of programmable thermostats.
- It's Louisiana’s first LEED-certified home, as well as the first “Extreme Makeover” home to be certified green.
- A renovation project is the perfect time to turn your home into a greener building.
- Green homes link sustainable materials and practices with better human and environmental health.
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