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Sort results by: Date Added | Alphabetically - Don\'t give your pet a deadly dose; medicines top the list of household poisons for pets.
- Asthma and wheezing may be triggered by a chemical from bacteria that lurk in household dust.
- This scientific report shows that, fortunately, many of the interventions to reduce asthma triggers in home environments are relatively simple.
- Tips to help you keep triggers at bay.
- Is your family and home prepared for a disaster?
- EPA advises caution with pesticides used for bed bug infestations and suggests non-chemical methods to eliminate and prevent bed bugs.
- Knowing what hurts indoor air quality, can help you improve it.
- Clean Frequently. Cleaning is an effective health maintenance strategy, and a very cost effective one at that. It\'s true! A clean home is a healthy home.
- If the gift looks or smells moldy or promotes sneezing or other symptoms - send it on to other pastures.
- When outfitting or decorating your home, there are sensitive choices you can make if you have asthma.
- Everyone is at risk of being poisoned by carbon monoxide exposure. Older adults with pre-existing conditions, such as chronic heart disease, anemia, or respiratory problems, are even more susceptible to the effects of this odorless, colorless gas.
- Ingredients in common household cleaning products may be harmful to our health.
- From The Healthy House Answer Book: Answers to the 133 most commonly asked questions.
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Information provided by The Healthy House Institute is designed to support,
not to replace the relationship between patient/physician or other qualified
healthcare provider.
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