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Sort results by: Date Added | Alphabetically - Water is vital to life, so it should be as healthy as possible. This article covers plumbing and how it impacts the health of occupants.
- What can be done to make our homes and buildings more healthful?
- Builders tend to focus more on energy and environmental conservation in their selection of green features; and may inadvertently contribute to poor indoor air quality (IAQ).
- One of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to reduce energy use at home is to ensure that your home is properly insulated.
- Dr. Stephen Pretlove, from Kingston University’s (UK) School of Architecture, is one of a group of specialists advising people to leave their beds unmade to banish house dust mites which cause asthma and other allergies.
- CR also explains personal carbon footprints; the dark side of compact fluorescent light bulbs.
- The net cost of owning a green home can be comparable to that of owning a conventional home – sometimes even less.
- Just as we are seeing a need for a more holistic approach to medicine, we need to start looking at houses in a holistic manner.
- What is known about tight construction, why it is a good idea, and how it is integral to systematic house design and construction.
- Going green may be easier than you think.
- Adapted from The Healthy House Answer Book: Answers to the 133 Most Commonly Asked Questions. Questions 72-80.
- From The Healthy House Answer Book: Answers to the 133 most commonly asked questions.
- Sheep wool insulation has an R-value of approximately 3.5 to 3.8 per inch of material thickness 0.3 to 0.6 points higher than fiberglass, cellulose, or mineral wool.
- From The Healthy House Answer Book: Answers to the 133 most commonly asked questions. Questions 40-47.
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Information provided by The Healthy House Institute is designed to support,
not to replace the relationship between patient/physician or other qualified
healthcare provider.
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