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Sort results by: Date Added | Alphabetically - With the ill effects of poor indoor air quality often in the news these days, it pays to
design and build a house that’s healthy from the start.
- Besides holding up the house, a foundation is also a connection between the soil and living space. How this connection is made is important for the health of the occupants and the durability of the house.
- Understanding the physics of indoor air movement for a healthier home.
- Making your home a greener place is a commitment – to yourself, your family, your community and the world. But more than that, it is a learning process.
- Vinyl flooring can certainly outgas (emit) potentially bothersome chemical odors and VOCs, but it also offers a relatively impenetrable, smooth surface—one that’s water-resistant, unable to harbor dust mites, pollen grains, and mold spores, and one that’s easy to sweep and wash clean.
- The results of bake-outs are, at best, mixed.
- What is known about tight construction, why it is a good idea, and how it is integral to systematic house design and construction.
- Many commercial mattresses are manufactured using polyurethane, synthetic fabrics, chemical fire retardants, toxic dyes, formaldehyde and stain-resistant chemicals. These chemicals are outgassed over time, and can expose skin and lungs to potentially toxic substances, causing allergic reactions and other health problems.
- Study finds healthy, efficient homes increasingly accessible to all.
- A University of Washington study of top-selling laundry products and air fresheners found the products emitted dozens of different chemicals. All six products tested gave off at least one chemical regulated as toxic or hazardous under federal laws, but none of those chemicals was listed on the product labels.
- Metal roofing is manufactured from a variety of different materials including copper, aluminum, steel, and stainless steel.
- There are a number of ways of building that are becoming popular among environmentally conscious individuals.
- The new standard works harder to protect indoor air quality.
- It's Louisiana’s first LEED-certified home, as well as the first “Extreme Makeover” home to be certified green.
- Like linoleum, cork flooring was more popular in the past than it is today, although it is making a comeback.
- Linoleum is still available today, and has gained renewed popularity because it's composed of natural ingredients.
- It’s durable, non-toxic, non-staining and easy-to-clean.
- The longer mold grows, the greater the potential hazard and the harder it is to control.
- In a recently completed study funded by GREENGUARD Environmental Institute (GEI), there was preliminary evidence that \"green\" low-emitting products may still cause IAQ problems.
- Just as we are seeing a need for a more holistic approach to medicine, we need to start looking at houses in a holistic manner.
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Information provided by The Healthy House Institute is designed to support,
not to replace the relationship between patient/physician or other qualified
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