Green Home
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Sort results by: Date Added | Alphabetically - Excerpt from Modern Cleaning: The Evolution of Chemical Free Cleaning, by Janice and Tom Stewart © 2011
- "Green building has its own inherent architecture, reflecting the Earth itself. It is a synthesis of natural elements and good design."
- Mark L. Hixson, Earthcraft Construction Inc.
- National Healthy Homes Conference to address serious health and safety concerns in housing.
- Boise organizations partner to let Boise home buyers have it all.
- A whole-house approach still holds true for a sometimes-forgotten space.
- Wondering what type of insulation is best for you and your home? Here's an overview of various insulation types and their health impact.
- An overview of how to make your lifestyle greener and more sustainable by conserving resources and energy, and protecting indoor air quality.
- Simple steps you can take to make a green difference.
- There are a number of flooring alternatives for your home that feature environmentally friendly attributes without sacrificing style.
- There are several simple bathroom maintenance strategies and everyday household practices that will help you conserve water.
- Choosing bathroom components that save water, reduce VOCs, and are made from recycled or reclaimed materials can make your bathroom more sustainable.
- Tips for using environmentally preferable cleaners.
- Air conditioners use the most electricity of any home appliance. Here's how to reduce energy usage in cooling your home.
- Humidity refers to the water-vapor content of air. Because there is always some moisture in the air, it can be difficult to think of humidity as a pollutant. Yet, if your indoor air contains high levels of water vapor, it can cause major problems.
- January is national Radon Action Month and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency encourages everyone to test their homes for radon.
- Before purchasing a home water treatment unit, consider local water quality, cost and maintenance of the unit, product performance, and certifications to make sure the unit will meet your needs.
- The GreenCheck™ designation is a vetting process designed to provide an added level of confidence for consumers who are seeking green product sources or hiring green contractors.
- A growing number of environmentally conscious homeowners are using a home energy system that is really down-to-earth.
- You can help lessen these air-pollution problems by following simple precautions.
- There are three different technologies available today for high efficiency toilets (HET) designed to help homeowners save water and help the environment.
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Information provided by The Healthy House Institute is designed to support,
not to replace the relationship between patient/physician or other qualified
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