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Sort results by: Date Added | Alphabetically - The new label resembles an automobile gasoline gauge and identifies three flooring traction levels: High-Traction, Moderate-Traction, or Low-Traction.
- There are a number of flooring alternatives for your home that feature environmentally friendly attributes without sacrificing style.
- Contaminants in house dust are an important source of exposure that can be reduced by good design, good flooring choices, and good cleaning practices.
- How the workings of a vacuum affect how well it cleans and the health of your home.
- The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America has developed the first Asthma Friendly product standards for plush toys, pillows, bedding, flooring, vacuum cleaners, and air purifiers.
- Green Seal has developed the GS-49 standard to define environmental performance criteria for residential cleaning services.
- Vinyl flooring can certainly outgas (emit) potentially bothersome chemical odors and VOCs, but it also offers a relatively impenetrable, smooth surface—one that’s water-resistant, unable to harbor dust mites, pollen grains, and mold spores, and one that’s easy to sweep and wash clean.
- With this method of heating, the entire floor is used as a heating panel.
- Like linoleum, cork flooring was more popular in the past than it is today, although it is making a comeback.
- Linoleum is still available today, and has gained renewed popularity because it's composed of natural ingredients.
- In a recently completed study funded by GREENGUARD Environmental Institute (GEI), there was preliminary evidence that \"green\" low-emitting products may still cause IAQ problems.
- This report, provided by the Carpet and Rug Institute, showed that when equal amounts of test dust (ISO Fine Test Dust 12103-1, A2) were present on hard versus carpeted flooring, there was less dust driven airborne by the carpeted surface. See also the sidebar and the topics, "The Clean Trust Comments" and "Another Viewpoint on Carpet" and the sidebar, "Soiled Carpet Affects Indoor Air Quality".
- From The Healthy House Answer Book: Answers to the 133 most commonly asked questions. Questions 99-110.
- A guide to specifications for healthy construction.
- FloorScore, developed by the Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCI) and Scientific Certification Systems (SCS), tests and certifies hard surface flooring and flooring adhesive products for compliance with indoor air quality (IAQ) goals.
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