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Sort results by: Date Added | Alphabetically - There are many health factors to consider in usage and installation of electric systems. Here's an overview of them.
- An automatic standby generator can sense an outage and respond immediately. There are no extension cords to plug in, gas tanks to fill or switches to flip.
- An examination of 13 common myths reveals that they should be treated with some healthy skepticism.
- UL Environment Inc. was created in response to the increase demand for environmentally sustainable products, and its services will help industries and the public make sense of "green" claims while helping manufacturers maintain transparency and credibility in the marketplace.
- High-efficiency washing machines could save you $550 in water and energy annually.
- EPA encourages Americans to save on summer cooling costs through proper use of programmable thermostats.
- From The Healthy House Answer Book: Answers to the 133 most commonly asked questions. Questions 55-63.
- Web site allows consumers to calculate how their personal energy use contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution.
- Few topics generate as much passion, and as much heated controversy, as the potential health effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs).
- Beat the potential health risk of gas appliances and, over time, the expense of utility electric.
- The traditional light bulb — and its recent improvements — explained.
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Information provided by The Healthy House Institute is designed to support,
not to replace the relationship between patient/physician or other qualified
healthcare provider.
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