Compact Fluorescent Lights
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Sort results by: Date Added | Alphabetically - Green homes link sustainable materials and practices with better human and environmental health.
- Consumer Report’s first full report on LED energy saving lightbulbs finds more choices and savings.
- Viewing the whole house as an integrated system helps.
- Bright ideas for better lighting.
- An examination of 13 common myths reveals that they should be treated with some healthy skepticism.
- Consider these simple ways to boost the environment and reduce energy consumption - not to mention your utility bill.
- Start \"going green\" by replacing standard incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs).
- Designing lighting that works for everyone - young or old.
- CR also explains personal carbon footprints; the dark side of compact fluorescent light bulbs.
- The net cost of owning a green home can be comparable to that of owning a conventional home – sometimes even less.
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