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Sort results by: Date Added | Alphabetically - The Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) is the first organization within the soft floor covering sector to earn accreditation as a certification body for indoor air quality by the American National Standard Institute (ANSI), the premier source for international standardization and conformity assessment.
- XRF identifies the individual components of a near infinite range of soils—down to an unprecedented four decimal points. It also provides insight into how these components are affected by various cleaning methods and other conditions.
- With energy prices skyrocketing and the temperature continuing to spike, most homeowners dread receiving their energy bill in the height of summer. But what most homeowners don’t realize is that they could own a high performance home that requires much less energy.
- EPA allows safer products to carry the Design for the Environment (DfE) label. This mark allows consumers to quickly identify and choose products that can help protect the environment and are safer for families.
- It's Louisiana’s first LEED-certified home, as well as the first “Extreme Makeover” home to be certified green.
- The carpet industry has made substantial reductions in the levels of VOCs in carpet.
- GREENGUARD Environmental Institute (GEI) announced in November 2008 the initiation of a comprehensive product emissions standard for indoor products.
- Many commercial mattresses are manufactured using polyurethane, synthetic fabrics, chemical fire retardants, toxic dyes, formaldehyde and stain-resistant chemicals. These chemicals are outgassed over time, and can expose skin and lungs to potentially toxic substances, causing allergic reactions and other health problems.
- The National Association of Home Builders recently launched the NAHB National Green Building Program, an education, verification and certification program that will allow builders anywhere to build green homes.
- A new certification for residential clothes washers ensures they effectively sanitize laundry.
- While green products are on the rise, consumers must be wary of misleading "green" claims.
- The National Green Building Standard (ICC 700-2008) for all residential construction work including single-family homes, apartments and condos, land development and remodeling and renovation has been approved by the American National Standards Institute.
- What you need to know about LEED for Homes.
- UL Environment Inc. was created in response to the increase demand for environmentally sustainable products, and its services will help industries and the public make sense of "green" claims while helping manufacturers maintain transparency and credibility in the marketplace.
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