Building Materials
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Sort results by: Date Added | Alphabetically - EPA\'s Energy Star program now addresses indoor air quality (IAQ). Here is a summary of requirements you can use to improve your home\'s IAQ.
- While it is clear that some people inherit a genetic predisposition to asthma, the increases in asthma rates are due to environmental, rather than genetic factors.
- GREENGUARD Environmental Institute (GEI) announced in November 2008 the initiation of a comprehensive product emissions standard for indoor products.
- One of the most important ideas to emerge in recent years is the concept that a house is much more than an assemblage of materials. Instead, building scientists and researchers now view a house as an interactive system.
- The most important step to take in building or remodeling a house is to eliminate toxic materials as often as possible.
- The second principle of healthy construction involves separating unhealthy materials from the air you breathe.
- The third principle of healthy design involves ventilation.
- EPA has added an indoor air quality component to the already well-known Energy Star program—the Energy Star Indoor Air Package (IAP).
- Viewing the whole house as an integrated system helps.
- With the ill effects of poor indoor air quality often in the news these days, it pays to
design and build a house that’s healthy from the start.
- Besides holding up the house, a foundation is also a connection between the soil and living space. How this connection is made is important for the health of the occupants and the durability of the house.
- Making your home a greener place is a commitment – to yourself, your family, your community and the world. But more than that, it is a learning process.
- Vinyl flooring can certainly outgas (emit) potentially bothersome chemical odors and VOCs, but it also offers a relatively impenetrable, smooth surface—one that’s water-resistant, unable to harbor dust mites, pollen grains, and mold spores, and one that’s easy to sweep and wash clean.
- The results of bake-outs are, at best, mixed.
- What is known about tight construction, why it is a good idea, and how it is integral to systematic house design and construction.
- While a school building should be an ideal place for children to develop, thrive and learn, recent studies have found that poor indoor air quality (IAQ) is affecting children's health and their ability to learn.
- With this method of heating, the entire floor is used as a heating panel.
- Metal roofing is manufactured from a variety of different materials including copper, aluminum, steel, and stainless steel.
- There are a number of ways of building that are becoming popular among environmentally conscious individuals.
- Energy-efficient glass with a low-E coating is one of several types of insulated glass.
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