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- One simple way to make your garage safer and healthier is to keep it both clean and well-organized.
- You can help lessen these air-pollution problems by following simple precautions.
- If we still rode horses every day, we’d never have a barn attached to the house because the animal odors would be objectionable. Yet houses routinely have an attached garage which contains much more unhealthy odors.
- Everyone is at risk of being poisoned by carbon monoxide exposure. Older adults with pre-existing conditions, such as chronic heart disease, anemia, or respiratory problems, are even more susceptible to the effects of this odorless, colorless gas.
- With the ill effects of poor indoor air quality often in the news these days, it pays to
design and build a house that’s healthy from the start.
- Provides sustainable and healthy solutions for every room in the house - from the kitchen and bathroom to the laundry room and garage.
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