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- The nature of MCS and the mainstream response to this baffling condition.
- This candid interview explains why John and Lynn Bower founded the original Healthy House Institute and why Lynn Bower wrote her classic tome, Creating a Healthy Household.
- A national population study reveals the prevalence of multiple chemical sensitivities.
- Are you sensitive to low levels of pollutants in the indoor environment? There are many people exhibiting symptoms at much lower pollution levels than the general population. This tells us that a safe level of exposure for one person is not safe for everyone.
- Your better attitude will not allow you to miss all of the other aspects of life that are still available to you.
1-4 of 4 HHI-Pedia Entriesmatching your search for "mcs": - Chemical sensitivity is hypersensitivity or intolerance to numerous chemicals at very low exposures or concentrations.
- Here’s what multiple chemical sensitivity means.
- A medical condition involving hypersensitivities to a wide variety of common air and food contaminants at very low levels.
- A medical condition involving hypersensitivities to a wide variety of common air and food contaminants at very low levels.
1-3 of 3 Blogs & Opinionmatching your search for "mcs": - EL Foust has a loyal following largely because of their attention to the needs of chemically-sensitive persons.
- The varied effects may be due to one general cause - the effect of exposure to low levels of chemicals in the home, at the workplace, and in food.
- Is it possible to build without toxins, using breathable walls, and still have an energy-efficient, cost-effective home?
1-1 of 1 Books & DVDsmatching your search for "mcs": - How to build and/or create a healthier home.
Video Clipsmatching your search for "mcs": Sorry, no Video Clips match your search for "mcs".
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Information provided by The Healthy House Institute is designed to support,
not to replace the relationship between patient/physician or other qualified
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