1-5 of 102 See More Results Articles, Hints & Tipsmatching your search for "Formaldehyde":
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- How can one tell whether one’s symptoms or health problems have been caused by exposure to formaldehyde?
- It is not so much the wood as the adhesives in these products that release a known toxin.
- Many people believe house plants will remove indoor air pollution. But will they?
- How to reduce your exposure to this common chemical.
1-5 of 13 See More Results HHI-Pedia Entriesmatching your search for "Formaldehyde": - A type of insulation widely used in the 1970s that sometimes released formaldehyde gas, now rarely used.
- Made from small softwood particles that resemble coarse sawdust, and is usually held together with potent urea-formaldehyde (UF) glue.
- MDF is a manufactured wood product widely used in home construction that is produced from fine wood fibers which are bonded with resins or glue.
- Medium density fiberboard (MDF) is a manufactured wood product widely used in home construction. MDF is produced from fine wood fibers which are bonded with resins or glue.
- Common glues that hold together manufactured wood products such as plywood, oriented strand board and medium density fiber board.
1-5 of 22 See More Results Blogs & Opinionmatching your search for "Formaldehyde": - While plywood and other manufactured wood products have long been a source of formaldehyde in our indoor environments, now formaldehyde-free plywood is available.
- The easiest way to test for formaldehyde is to use a passive monitor.
- In June 2013, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services added eight substances to its list of known human carcinogens - one of them is Formaldehyde.
- Some ERVs can recover formaldehyde in the same way that they recover water.
- What kind of toxic chemicals are lurking in your cabinets?
Books & DVDsmatching your search for "Formaldehyde": Sorry, no Books & DVDs match your search for "Formaldehyde". Video Clipsmatching your search for "Formaldehyde": Sorry, no Video Clips match your search for "Formaldehyde".
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