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- Exposure to radon gas increases your risk of developing lung cancer. Here's how to test your home for radon and what to do if you have high radon levels indoors.
- One of the greatest difficulties in estimating the toxicity of household products is the fact that most of the ingredients are not disclosed on product labels or other documents.
- Fragranced products - including those that claim to be green - give off many chemicals that are not listed on the label.
- While many people enjoy wearing perfumes and using scented products, there is a growing outcry from some people who claim exposure to certain fragrances, including perfumes and scented products, adversely impacts their health.
- Deciding exactly where you will build your healthy house is one of the first decisions that must be made.
- Ingredients in common household cleaning products may be harmful to our health.
- Spring is in the air, and so are dust, pollen and other unwanted particles that can impact health and the dusting you need to do. What is the best way to Spring Clean Your Indoor Air?
- Dr. Stephen Pretlove, from Kingston University’s (UK) School of Architecture, is one of a group of specialists advising people to leave their beds unmade to banish house dust mites which cause asthma and other allergies.
- Study samples measured less than background levels
for radon, radiation.
- Interim guidance for swine influenza A (H1N1).
- The net cost of owning a green home can be comparable to that of owning a conventional home – sometimes even less.
- Just as we are seeing a need for a more holistic approach to medicine, we need to start looking at houses in a holistic manner.
- Where to put and how to stock a safe work area.
- Location, preventive measures and proper working conditions are essential for a safe and healthy home workshop.
- Designing healthy homes for the elderly.
- Understanding the physics of indoor air movement for a healthier home.
- What is known about tight construction, why it is a good idea, and how it is integral to systematic house design and construction.
- Most people have heard that tight houses cause indoor air pollution. Actually, this represents a simplistic view of the problem. Tight construction is, in reality, part of the solution. This article explains why.
- Apartment dwellers and those with otherwise inadequate yards can still eat from a home-grown garden.
- A University of Washington study of top-selling laundry products and air fresheners found the products emitted dozens of different chemicals. All six products tested gave off at least one chemical regulated as toxic or hazardous under federal laws, but none of those chemicals was listed on the product labels.
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Information provided by The Healthy House Institute is designed to support,
not to replace the relationship between patient/physician or other qualified
healthcare provider.
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