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- A form of aluminum oxide used as an adsorption material in air filters, more correctly called activated alumina impregnated with potassium permanganate.
- A form of carbon used as an adsorption or pollutant-reduction material in air or water filters, often derived from coconut, wood, or coal.
- There are several different types, but these useful appliances are no substitute for good cleaning and other preventive measures.
- Also known as a dust weight-arrestance test, it measures only for larger and heavier particles.
- A method of testing medium-efficiency air filters.
- It’s convenient and healthful, but is it “green?”
- An inert gas used to test high-efficiency (HEPA) particulate air filters.
- A method of testing high-efficiency (HEPA) air filters.
- A plastic material that carries a permanent static charge, used in some air filters.
- Done regularly, these tasks will help ensure clean air and greater safety inside your well-functioning home.
- Heating, ventilating and air conditioning explained.
- If it’s in good shape, it just needs regular cleaning to avoid hazards.
- A particulate filter, usually in the 30–40% efficiency range when measured using the atmospheric dust spot test.
- Stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value.
- An essential tool used to protect people from hazardous fumes during certain jobs.
- A preventive, systematic approach to health, safety and comfort is a homeowner’s best defense against poor air quality, unexpected breakdowns and expensive repairs.
- The hood has a removable filter that’s essential for reducing airborne grease.
- Total suspended solids, sometimes called filterable solids, are typically larger particles found in water that will not pass through a .45 µm pore-diameter filter.
- These systems rid water of everything from chlorine to microbes and heavy metals – an important consideration for those with health issues.
- A method of testing very low-efficiency air filters.
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Information provided by The Healthy House Institute is designed to support,
not to replace the relationship between patient/physician or other qualified
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