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- There are a number of ways of building that are becoming popular among environmentally conscious individuals.
- Whether you’re a homebuyer or a renter looking for a green home, how do you know if a home is truly green?
- The Green Label program is replaced by the stronger and more comprehensive Green Label Plus standard.
- The carpet industry has made substantial reductions in the levels of VOCs in carpet.
- Green remodeling can be done in small ways and doesn’t necessarily have to encompass the entire home.
- By incorporating green remodeling practices, homeowners can avoid serious health issues linked to unhealthy indoor air.
- Another alternative to traditional roofing materials is a rooftop garden, or "green roof."
- The new standard works harder to protect indoor air quality.
- GREENGUARD Environmental Institute (GEI) announced in November 2008 the initiation of a comprehensive product emissions standard for indoor products.
- Health and environmental factors associated with carpet include indoor air quality, chemical emissions from manufacturing and disposal operations, and solid waste impacts.
- The most important step to take in building or remodeling a house is to eliminate toxic materials as often as possible.
- There is a wide variety of roofing materials available, and these vary in appearance, healthfulness, weight, life expectancy, and cost.
- From The Healthy House Answer Book: Answers to the 133 most commonly asked questions. Questions 11-21.
- Knowing what hurts indoor air quality, can help you improve it.
- Clean Frequently. Cleaning is an effective health maintenance strategy, and a very cost effective one at that. It's true! A clean home is a healthy home.
- Researchers found that high efficiency particle air (HEPA) filters reduced the amount of airborne particulate matter and wood smoke, resulting in improved blood vessel health and reductions in blood markers associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
- The Healthy House Institute® online educational center has released its Top 3 Healthy Home Scams.
- The term “Zero VOC” on product labelling – a designation historically used for paint and adhesives, but now finding its way onto cleaning products – is often a misnomer.
- Though this is an older study, it highlights important considerations for those of us who spend much time in cars...
- Green Seal has developed the GS-49 standard to define environmental performance criteria for residential cleaning services.
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