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- How well do they clean the air?
- With the ill effects of poor indoor air quality often in the news these days, it pays to
design and build a house that’s healthy from the start.
- Got the itch to work on your yard? Why not turn it into a Certified Wildlife Habitat?
- Most of us will have to go into the hospital some day. Here are specific steps you can follow to protect yourself from hospital infections.
- From The Healthy House Answer Book: Answers to the 133 most commonly asked questions. Questions 55-63.
- The chemicals we're exposed to indoors, how they may affect our health, and what the government is - and perhaps isn't - doing about it.
- As everyone knows, good quality water is essential to good health. This chapter discusses some of the more common home water problems. The following chapter will offer suggestions for equipment that is available to help reduce or eliminate them.
- This article is an excerpt from Mariel Wolfson's doctoral dissertation.
- Home interventions to reduce asthma triggers can curb soaring health care costs and improve health outcomes.
- Armed with this information, you can protect yourself, your children, and your pets from harmful pesticides.
- A comprehensive overview of the issues.
- Selecting and maintaining heat recovery ventilators and energy recovery ventilators (HRV/ERVs).
- Green homes link sustainable materials and practices with better human and environmental health.
- Everyone is at risk of being poisoned by carbon monoxide exposure. Older adults with pre-existing conditions, such as chronic heart disease, anemia, or respiratory problems, are even more susceptible to the effects of this odorless, colorless gas.
- Designing and building an energy-efficient home.
- Green Seal has developed the GS-49 standard to define environmental performance criteria for residential cleaning services.
- Although scientists have postulated a wide range of adverse human health effects of exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), the nexus of the debate is the concern that prenatal and childhood exposure to EDCs may be responsible for a variety of abnormalities in human sexuality, gender development and behaviors, reproductive capabilities, and sex ratios.
- I have been an energy management consultant since 1974. Before suggesting that someone buy an energy-saving gadget, I evaluate that gadget myself. In this article, I describe some of my personal energy-saving gadget experiences.
- Healthier ways to bed down.
- A comprehensive how-to guide.
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Information provided by The Healthy House Institute is designed to support,
not to replace the relationship between patient/physician or other qualified
healthcare provider.
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