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- The traditional definition of noise is 'unwanted or disturbing sound'.
- As with construction-grade plywood, it can often be used in a healthy house if it is well-separated from the living space.
- A home-energy alternative or addition to gas and utility electric.
- As a pollutant, perchlorate is found in groundwater, surface water and soil and has proven to be a pervasive contaminant of agricultural and manufactured food products.
- Once widely used to soften water for use in washing machines, some makers have reduced use of these chemicals.
- Often used in hot, humid climates, a pier foundation lifts a house up off the ground reducing health hazards from direct soil contact.
- Polyurethane can be a flexible foam, as used in upholstery, or a rigid foam, as in insulation.
- They’re great outdoor cleaning tools, but they can cause severe injury or damage if misused.
- A preventive, systematic approach to health, safety and comfort is a homeowner’s best defense against poor air quality, unexpected breakdowns and expensive repairs.
- Radiant cooling cools a floor or ceiling by absorbing the heat radiated from the rest of the room.
- Forced air heating is not the only option.
- A naturally occurring radioactive gas, often released from soil and rocks.
- The hood has a removable filter that’s essential for reducing airborne grease.
- How to “read” plastic containers for recycling.
- The amount of moisture in air compared to the maximum amount of moisture that air at that temperature can contain, usually expressed as a percentage.
- A system in some furnaces, boilers, fireplaces, and water heaters that is immune to pressure imbalances in a house because it draws combustion air from the outdoors into a sealed chamber and expels by-products to the outdoors.
- The amount of heat involved in raising or lowering the temperature of air, not including any heat required to cause water vapor to change state (e.g. from a gas to a liquid).
- Insulation products that start out as a liquid, but end up as a solid.
- Terpenes are hydrocarbons - organic compounds made up of hydrogen and carbon - mainly from plants, and the main constituent of essential oils.
- Total dissolved solids are dissolved particles found in water that are small enough to pass through a .45 µm filter.
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