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- Unsure about the best way to treat your specific water? Look at this overview to compare different methods.
- Testing by NASA and other agencies has found that plants remove VOCs from indoor environments and contribute to better health and well-being.
- From The Healthy House Answer Book: Answers to the 133 most commonly asked questions. Questions 48-54.
- How do they work, and how good is the water they produce?
- Deciding exactly where you will build your healthy house is one of the first decisions that must be made.
- If not properly installed, maintained and operated, air duct components may become contaminated with particles of dust, pollen or other debris.
- National Center for Healthy Housing releases information from asthma study.
- You may be surprised to learn what it brings into the home environment.
- The majority of U.S. families (67 percent) live in a home with at least one major health risk.
- Most people have heard that tight houses cause indoor air pollution. Actually, this represents a simplistic view of the problem. Tight construction is, in reality, part of the solution. This article explains why.
- Removing particles and gases using air cleaners.
- Can your house breathe?
- Water filters can be useful to improve water quality, but they must be chosen carefully. This is because there are different kinds of filters and they don’t all remove the same types of contaminants.
- Before purchasing a home water treatment unit, consider local water quality, cost and maintenance of the unit, product performance, and certifications to make sure the unit will meet your needs.
- As everyone knows, good quality water is essential to good health. This chapter discusses some of the more common home water problems. The following chapter will offer suggestions for equipment that is available to help reduce or eliminate them.
- There are three general types of air cleaners on the market: mechanical filters, electronic air cleaners, and ion generators.
- Your drinking water comes from surface water or ground water. Water utilities treat nearly 34 billion gallons of water every day. The amount and type of treatment applied varies with the source and quality of the water.
- Regardless of how efficient and effective air-cleaning devices are in removing pollutants, a question still remains about their ability to reduce adverse health effects.
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Information provided by The Healthy House Institute is designed to support,
not to replace the relationship between patient/physician or other qualified
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