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- Many "green" products are healthy, but many aren’t - so be careful of green claims.
- When using the term “green prefabricated homes”, some of us can’t help but imagine a small double-wide mobile home covered in some sort of mossy overgrowth. While that notion is pretty far out, many of us have preconceived notions about green housing that frankly aren’t true. This book - Prefabulous + Almost Off the Grid - contests these fallacies.
- The author shows prefabricated homes can be built with customizable, attractive, and quality green materials in less time than traditional construction, while reducing waste and yielding an energy-efficient, sturdy, and cost-effective home.
- According to EverydayHealth.com, there is good news and bad news about older homes. There are also simple steps you can take to make a big difference.
- When you consider the number of hours spent indoors, it only makes sense to build a healthy house, or convert your existing home into a healthy rather than an unhealthy one.
- Weatherization programs helped homeowners seal up many of the cracks in their houses that air used to leak through.
- Jeff May’s Healthy Home Tips book can help you make sure your home is clean and healthy.
- Whomever you select, give him or her a copy of the complimentary HHI book - Healthy House Building for the New Millennium: A Design & Construction Guide - as a starting point.
- Two trends to counter for healthier homes.
- Sierra Club Green Home.com proposes a new industry standard that balances our longtime desire for lots of space with the current and future need to downsize.
- That is the debate HHI has been having with a few industry leaders from the home ventilation sector.
- Preventing home health hazards by avoiding imported building materials.
- It’s ironic that some products designed to make our homes cleaner and healthier may contribute to asthma.
- Healthy houses can save money in the long run.
- It is sad when people decide not to incorporate healthy features into their home project because of cost.
- The simple, yet informative guide to discovering the common health dangers in your home and what to do about them.
- Biomimicry is the “study and imitation of nature’s remarkably efficient designs, bringing together scientists, engineers, architects and innovators who can use those models to create sustainable technologies”.
Recent innovations demonstrate ways that biomimicry is helping to make homes healthier.
- Following are questions and answers posed to HHI by Content That Works, a group "dedicated to helping local media and businesses thrive by creating high-quality editorial products that attract readers."
- Some ERVs can recover formaldehyde in the same way that they recover water.
- EWG has released its Guide to Healthy Cleaning.
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Information provided by The Healthy House Institute is designed to support,
not to replace the relationship between patient/physician or other qualified
healthcare provider.
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