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- While some technology can be a real letdown - this automatic liquid soap/lotion dispenser did not disappoint. Find out why.
- EWG has released its Guide to Healthy Cleaning.
- Review of iGozen's line of green cleaners - Fruit/Vegetable Wash, Meat/Fish Cleaner, and Everyday Cleaner.
- Healthy houses can save money in the long run.
- Jeff May’s Healthy Home Tips book can help you make sure your home is clean and healthy.
- The easiest way to test for formaldehyde is to use a passive monitor.
- Learn what combustion byproducts, natural draft, and home air-pressure have to do with a backdrafting chimney and your health.
- Learn why home hygiene is just as important as hygiene in medical facilities, and how cleaning specific areas of your home can have the most impact on your family's health.
- Do smart meters actually lower energy use and cost, and are they safe?
- Focusing on more than traditional ways to remove VOCs and allergens in the air can lead to better prevention and treatment of allergies and asthma.
- Biomimicry is the “study and imitation of nature’s remarkably efficient designs, bringing together scientists, engineers, architects and innovators who can use those models to create sustainable technologies”.
Recent innovations demonstrate ways that biomimicry is helping to make homes healthier.
- Inspiration can be found in many places and can be practical to almost any situation.
- There is a growing body of evidence that poor indoor air quality and other indoor pollutants are negatively affecting us all. Yet it is still difficult to define precisely what makes some materials unhealthy.
- Sierra Club Green Home.com proposes a new industry standard that balances our longtime desire for lots of space with the current and future need to downsize.
- It is sad when people decide not to incorporate healthy features into their home project because of cost.
- HHI Staff and EverydayHealth.com give simple tips to minimizing indoor allergy triggers.
- The simple, yet informative guide to discovering the common health dangers in your home and what to do about them.
- According to EverydayHealth.com, there is good news and bad news about older homes. There are also simple steps you can take to make a big difference.
- Improving and cleaning your air is an often forgotten task of spring cleaning.
- Is it possible to build without toxins, using breathable walls, and still have an energy-efficient, cost-effective home?
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Information provided by The Healthy House Institute is designed to support,
not to replace the relationship between patient/physician or other qualified
healthcare provider.
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