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- Though this is an older study, it highlights important considerations for those of us who spend much time in cars...
- Chiras is an internationally known author, educator, consultant, and founder and director of The Evergreen Institute.
- Understanding the physics of indoor air movement for a healthier home.
- Removing particles and gases using air cleaners.
- Options in keeping soap scum down and your laundry white may require additional steps to protect your health.
- What can be done to make our homes and buildings more healthful?
- Using household cleaning sprays and air fresheners as little as once a week can raise the risk of developing asthma in adults, say researchers in Europe.
- Can your house breathe?
- Don't give your pet a deadly dose; medicines top the list of household poisons for pets.
- The longer mold grows, the greater the potential hazard and the harder it is to control.
- From The Healthy House Answer Book: Answers to the 133 most commonly asked questions. Questions 55-63.
- The Green Home Guide offers tips for a better, greener life.
- Home interventions to reduce asthma triggers can curb soaring health care costs and improve health outcomes.
- Clean clothes and bedding frequently, using gentle, low-odor products.
- Companies are voluntarily sharing with consumers more information about the ingredients in their products.
- This scientific report shows that, fortunately, many of the interventions to reduce asthma triggers in home environments are relatively simple.
- Weigh the variety of options in the realm of wood furniture against the physical needs of your family.
- From The Healthy House Answer Book: Answers to the 133 most commonly asked questions. Questions 99-110.
- Perhaps the greatest challenge to promoting energy efficiency is that you can’t see it.
- Use baking soda to soften your laundry water.
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Information provided by The Healthy House Institute is designed to support,
not to replace the relationship between patient/physician or other qualified
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