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- Cost-effective fan and ventilation systems help energy-efficient homes stay healthy.
- Sheep wool insulation has an R-value of approximately 3.5 to 3.8 per inch of material thickness 0.3 to 0.6 points higher than fiberglass, cellulose, or mineral wool.
- Determine which fruits and vegetables have the most pesticide residues and are the most important to buy organic.
- Designing healthy homes for the elderly.
- The third principle of healthy design involves ventilation.
- How to deal with mold after a flood.
- Viewing the whole house as an integrated system helps.
- Q and A with Thad Godish, Ph.D.
- One of the most important ideas to emerge in recent years is the concept that a house is much more than an assemblage of materials. Instead, building scientists and researchers now view a house as an interactive system.
- Dr. Stephen Pretlove, from Kingston University’s (UK) School of Architecture, is one of a group of specialists advising people to leave their beds unmade to banish house dust mites which cause asthma and other allergies.
- This profile is part of a series about Healthful Cleaning Service Providers associated with the IICRC.
- In just a few short years mobile phones have revolutionized the way people communicate with each other. There is no disputing their convenience, but are they safe? Surprisingly, no one knows for sure.
- All life on earth is supported by the sun. It is the basic resource not only for photovoltaics, but all solar energy systems.
- The organic food market slows amid recession, consumer doubt.
- Greening a house that was built before we knew to care isn't impossible; here are 45 tips.
- Once builders overcome their initial apprehension, it is relatively easy to learn how to work with light-weight steel framing.
- The second principle of healthy construction involves separating unhealthy materials from the air you breathe.
- Looking for information about toxic chemicals and environmental hazards that might be found in your school, home or office building? NIH's National Library of Medicine (NLM) has created a non-technical, easy-to-navigate web site called Tox Town...
- With a home energy audit, you can find out where your home is losing energy and find out what you can change to lower your energy bills.
- Taking the proper steps to restore a property after a flood can limit the extent of the damage incurred.
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Information provided by The Healthy House Institute is designed to support,
not to replace the relationship between patient/physician or other qualified
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