Home & Building Services: Georgia (GA)1-3 of 3
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Decatur, GA 30030 US Seville Consulting applies proven green building techniques to real-life situations. Your situation is unique. Whether you are a homeowner, contractor or architect, our green building and green remodeling consulting and advice and building certification services such as LEED, EarthCraft House, Energy Star, and the National Green Building Program can make your projects, and your lives, better. Atlanta, GA 30308 US Leed for Homes Provider serving Georgia, Alabama, District of Columbia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee East Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506 US Image Design, LLC is a award winning sustainable residential design firm, located in East Grand Rapids Michigan. We design energy-efficient, environmentally friendly, sustainable, or green homes, with the minimum of LEED for Homes and ENERGY STAR certification, as well as Lifetime Design and Not So Big House principles.
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