Materials & Furnishings
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Sort results by: Date Added | Alphabetically - Whomever you select, give him or her a copy of the complimentary HHI book - Healthy House Building for the New Millennium: A Design & Construction Guide - as a starting point.
- Think you're ready to remodel? Do your research first.
- Reading Living Downstream can be an insightful book into discovering how the environment can impact your long-term health and of your loved ones.
- Newer, more benign materials are now available.
- Ice damming — which can lead to mold, mildew, or rot — can sometimes occur with improperly vented roofs in the winter.
- An alternative to higher-priced solid wood furniture, but low-VOC and free of formaldehyde.
- The Safer Insulation Solution is a national effort working to reduce human and ecological hazards related to toxic flame retardants in plastic foam insulation, and reduce building costs without reducing fire safety.
- When using the term “green prefabricated homes”, some of us can’t help but imagine a small double-wide mobile home covered in some sort of mossy overgrowth. While that notion is pretty far out, many of us have preconceived notions about green housing that frankly aren’t true. This book - Prefabulous + Almost Off the Grid - contests these fallacies.
- We get a lot of questions about what we call “simplistic solutions to complex situations.” For example, most people want an easy way to solve the problem of poor indoor air quality. Well, we’d like that too and, in some cases, there are relatively simple solutions. But in many cases, the solution isn’t easy.
- Focusing on more than traditional ways to remove VOCs and allergens in the air can lead to better prevention and treatment of allergies and asthma.
- While plywood and other manufactured wood products have long been a source of formaldehyde in our indoor environments, now formaldehyde-free plywood is available.
- There is a growing body of evidence that poor indoor air quality and other indoor pollutants are negatively affecting us all. Yet it is still difficult to define precisely what makes some materials unhealthy.
- It is sad when people decide not to incorporate healthy features into their home project because of cost.
- The simple, yet informative guide to discovering the common health dangers in your home and what to do about them.
- Is it possible to build without toxins, using breathable walls, and still have an energy-efficient, cost-effective home?
- Simran Sethi, green pioneer, media personality and Oprah.com columnist presented a free one-hour webinar, "Ten Steps to a Healthier Home" for The Healthy House Institute (HHI) on September 30th, 2010 at 10am CDT. The archived event is also free to access.
- We usually put them into six categories.
- When you consider the number of hours spent indoors, it only makes sense to build a healthy house, or convert your existing home into a healthy rather than an unhealthy one.
- While air conditioning becomes a pressing need as temperatures rise, taking time to look into energy efficient models can reap long-term benefits.
- Do the new green products on the market always work as well as their traditional counterparts?
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Information provided by The Healthy House Institute is designed to support,
not to replace the relationship between patient/physician or other qualified
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