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Sort results by: Date Added | Alphabetically - How we can use water more wisely now and in the future.
- Lawns can be replaced with gardens producing fresh, healthy food, and are often wasteful and expensive.
- Focusing on more than traditional ways to remove VOCs and allergens in the air can lead to better prevention and treatment of allergies and asthma.
- Inspiration can be found in many places and can be practical to almost any situation.
- With green roofs growing in popularity, vertical gardening with the use of tube planters saves water and uses unconventional space.
- An innovative look at the use of native plants to create the High Line, a green roof garden in the making in New York City.
- How to turn your scraps into organic compost.
- Living creatively in and out of the garden.
- Imagine the perfect home, garden, and lifestyle.
- How to conserve water by using graywater for landscaping.
- In the gardening world, there is plenty of conversation about the negative effects of climate change on plants...
- The EPA has announced steps to require manufacturers to disclose "inert ingredients" in pesticides which can make up up to 90 percent of formulations.
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