Green Living
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Sort results by: Date Added | Alphabetically - Air conditioners use the most electricity of any home appliance. Here's how to reduce energy usage in cooling your home.
- Greening a house that was built before we knew to care isn't impossible; here are 45 tips.
- There are three different technologies available today for high efficiency toilets (HET) designed to help homeowners save water and help the environment.
- A growing number of environmentally conscious homeowners are using a home energy system that is really down-to-earth.
- One of the most important ideas to emerge in recent years is the concept that a house is much more than an assemblage of materials. Instead, building scientists and researchers now view a house as an interactive system.
- This article describes the design, construction and guiding philosophy of the first healthy house built by John Bower (founder of the original Healthy House Institute) in the early 1990s. Although times have changed and technology has advanced, Bower's founding principles - "eliminate, separate, ventilate" - pictured by the three green vertical bars of the current HHI logo, still apply.
- Simple ways to control asthma and allergies.
- Home interventions to reduce asthma triggers can curb soaring health care costs and improve health outcomes.
- Air Movement. Most times we don't think too much about air movement, but it can affect us every day.
- The doctor told me that I should implement an allergen reduction and environmental control strategy in my home…what should I do next?
- Although scientists have postulated a wide range of adverse human health effects of exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), the nexus of the debate is the concern that prenatal and childhood exposure to EDCs may be responsible for a variety of abnormalities in human sexuality, gender development and behaviors, reproductive capabilities, and sex ratios.
- Are you sensitive to low levels of pollutants in the indoor environment? There are many people exhibiting symptoms at much lower pollution levels than the general population. This tells us that a safe level of exposure for one person is not safe for everyone.
- The safest home in the world can be made unhealthy in minutes if a member of the family practices an art or craft that emits hazardous substances into the air.
- The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America has developed the first Asthma Friendly product standards for plush toys, pillows, bedding, flooring, vacuum cleaners, and air purifiers.
- While it is clear that some people inherit a genetic predisposition to asthma, the increases in asthma rates are due to environmental, rather than genetic factors.
- Asthma is a rapidly growing public health problem. Here are recent facts from the CDC and EPA.
- Don't give your pet a deadly dose; medicines top the list of household poisons for pets.
- If you choose to use a powder on your baby, use it sparingly. Powders can easily become airborne and can enter the respiratory system causing irritation.
- Detection, prevention and least toxic control of bed bugs.
- The Green Home Guide offers tips for a better, greener life.
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Information provided by The Healthy House Institute is designed to support,
not to replace the relationship between patient/physician or other qualified
healthcare provider.
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