Green Living
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Sort results by: Date Added | Alphabetically - Should you only choose “all-natural” products? It might seem like the right thing to do.
- Use baking soda to soften your laundry water.
- Cleaning and maintaining your car using less harmful alternatives.
- Simple strategies that can help you lower your energy bills.
- The Green Home Guide offers tips for a better, greener life.
- Armed with this information, you can protect yourself, your children, and your pets from harmful pesticides.
- From The Healthy House Answer Book: Answers to the 133 most commonly asked questions. Questions 127-133.
- Few topics generate as much passion, and as much heated controversy, as the potential health effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs).
- Dr. Arthur Weissman offers tips that can protect your health and surroundings — and just might save you money!
- This article describes the design, construction and guiding philosophy of the first healthy house built by John Bower (founder of the original Healthy House Institute) in the early 1990s. Although times have changed and technology has advanced, Bower's founding principles - "eliminate, separate, ventilate" - pictured by the three green vertical bars of the current HHI logo, still apply.
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Information provided by The Healthy House Institute is designed to support,
not to replace the relationship between patient/physician or other qualified
healthcare provider.
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