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Mrs. Meyer's Clean Home

By Thelma Meyer

Green Cleaning: Mrs. Meyer's Clean Home by Thelma Meyer, Healthy Home & Green Living Books & Videos - HealthyHouseInstitute.com

Publisher Info

Hachette Book Group

3 Center Plaza

Boston, MA  02108 USA



Thelma Meyer tells it straight: Clean the kitchen daily! Don't waste anything (not even the water left over from those potatoes you just boiled)! Always work hard! This philosophy meant that when Thelma's daughter Monica founded Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day products (named after her mom), the products were designed to work hard too.


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Now for the first time, Thelma's sage advice is being made available in this cleaning guide full of practical tips and secrets based on the premise that life is hectic and messy - and so keeping your house clean and nice is the only sensible thing to do. With shortcuts and tips for cleaning the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and living room, Mrs. Meyer's Clean Home contains advice such as:

  • Never use vinegar and water on wood floors. One part dish soap and four parts water is the only way to truly get them clean. And remember to buff with a terrycloth towel.
  • Always clean out the fridge before grocery shopping. Serve the kids "Musko" ("must go") for dinner, using the items that were fast approaching expiration.
  • Wash windows on a cloudy day to avoid the nasty streaking that happens when the sun's out and glass dries too fast.



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Mrs. Meyer's Clean Home:  Created on February 21st, 2009.  Last Modified on December 17th, 2009


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